Leaping Out…

Well, that’s it!  After thirty years in the corporate world I’ve made the plunge.  I’ve left a comfortable, secure, well-paying job for the unknown.  I should be questioning whether this is the right move but I’m really not.  That must be an indication that it is indeed is the right move or that it isn’t but I’ve deluded myself that it is.  Either way, I’m feeling good about it.

What the coming year will bring I have no idea.  Already in my few networking forays into the world of startups and entrepreneurship I’ve encountered a wide range of stuff going on.  What’s struck me across it all are the common denominators of enthusiasm, openness, mutual support, and a focus on action – a sharp, stimulating contrast to my experience in the big-company world.

Fair enough, but that doesn’t pay the rent.  The task now is to navigate these possibilities and enthusiasm to figure out what I should do, where I should do it, and how I should make it happen.  I will use this space to record my thoughts and experiences as they occur.  I admit to a certain discomfort in doing this as I feel it may be a bit presumptuous to think that anybody would be interested.  Nevertheless, I’m going to give it a shot as I think it will help me sort things out.  If it turns out to be of some modest help or interest to others all the better.